Drilling & Geoprobe Direct Push
Drilling & Geoprobe Direct Push
Safe, Efficient & Tailored to Your Project Needs

Our Drilling and Geoprobe Direct Push services provide accurate underground data for projects of any size. Using modern technology, our experts safely collect soil and water samples. We handle everything from soil sampling to well installation and everything in between, helping our clients comply with regulations and make informed cleanup decisions.
Drilling & Geoprobe Direct Push
- Soil Boring & Sampling
- Monitoring Wells
- Vapor Extraction Wells
- Air Sparge Wells
- Well Development & Sampling
- Well Abandonment
- Sacrificial Anode Installation
- Geotech Soil Sampling/Shelby Tube Collection
Geoprobe Direct Push
- Soil/Groundwater Sampling
- Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Sampling
- Reagent Injection (Bottom-to-Top/Top-to Bottom)
- Large Bore Soil Sampler/Marco-Core Soil Sampler
- Dual Tube Soil Sampling
- Discrete Screen Point Sampler
- Pre-Pack Screen Installation
- Temporary Piezometer Installation
- Membrane Interface Probing (MIP)
- High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC)
- Low Ceiling/Indoor (Scrubber)